Wreck diving In Hurghada

Price: €65

Wreck diving in hurghada is one of the most seeked out experniecne in the scuba diving world, so do you want to do some wreck diving along with two normal dives? we will let you dive in the most two famous wreck in Hurghada, El Mina Wreck, An old war shipwreck and next to it another wreck, a commercial one that sank along while ago. Wreck diving is a thrilling and multi-faceted branch of scuba diving that offers the opportunity to explore sunken ships, aircraft, and other man-made structures. Whether you’re fascinated by maritime history, enticed by the thrill of discovery, or captivated by the rich marine life that often surrounds these underwater relics, wreck diving offers a unique adventure that’s hard to match.

What's Included

What To Expect

El Mina Wreck:

The El Mina is evidence of the war between Egypt and Israel. The El Mina was a minesweeper, which was in the port at anchor, when it was hit and sunk by an Israeli bomb. The El Mina can be explored in peace, whilst that area is just 60 m long. Beginning at the deepest place, one can clearly recognize by the air defense cannons that the El Mina was not intended for passenger transportation. Over the starboard side one approaches the explosion site within the bow. Here is the only suitable entrance into the El Mina. On the foredeck is the base of a cannon, which has been sheared off.


Wreck Diving – A Window to the Past and a Door to Adventure
Wreck diving is an exciting subset of recreational diving where divers explore shipwrecks, aircraft wreckage, and other artificial structures submerged in water1. This form of diving is a favorite among recreational and technical divers alike, offering a unique blend of historical intrigue, technical challenge, and natural beauty.
The thrill of wreck diving is not restricted to how these vessels met their watery fate. Whether they were casualties of war or storms, victims of navigational errors, or purposefully scuttled to form artificial reefs, every wreck has a story to tell, revealing glimpses of our past and creating captivating underwater landscapes for us to explore.

Reasons to Embark on a Wreck Diving Adventure

From the historical intrigue to the natural beauty that envelops these underwater relics, there are numerous reasons why divers are drawn to wreck diving.

  1. Artificial Reef: Sunken ships often serve as artificial reefs, creating a habitat for a diverse array of marine life. Over time, these wrecks become home to corals, sponges, and numerous species of fish, turning into vibrant underwater ecosystems.
  2. Historical Interest: Many wrecks have a fascinating history attached to them. Exploring these relics can provide a first-hand insight into various aspects of our maritime heritage, from the reasons for the vessel’s demise to its geographical associations and trade patterns.
  3. Technical Challenge: Navigating a wreck, particularly when it involves penetration of the wreckage, presents new skill challenges for divers. It requires careful planning, precise buoyancy control, and the ability to manage potential risks associated with wreck penetration.
  4. Treasure Hunting: Although not the primary purpose for most wreck divers, some wrecks may contain artifacts of historical, artistic, or monetary value. However, divers should remember that many wrecks are protected by law and removing artifacts without proper permission is strictly prohibited.

Common Types of Wrecks to Explore

Contrary to popular belief, not all wrecks are of pirate ships or floating vessels. There are various types of wrecks lying at the bottom of the ocean, each with its unique allure and challenges4.

Ordered list:

  1. Shipwrecks: The most common type of wreck dived on, shipwrecks can range from ancient galleons and warships to modern-day cargo ships and fishing vessels.
  2. Aircraft Wrecks: Aircraft crashes, especially from World War II, have resulted in numerous wrecks that offer unique diving experiences. They’re often found in shallow water, making them accessible to divers with basic certification.
  3. Submarines: While not as common as ship or aircraft wrecks, submarines offer a unique challenge and experience for advanced divers.
  4. Other Structures: The ocean floor is also home to wrecks of other structures like trains, buses, and even collapsed naval radar stations. These wrecks offer a different kind of exploration experience, often revealing intriguing glimpses into the past.
Categories of Wreck Diving:
The types of wreck diving can be broadly classified into three categories, each with its own challenges and levels of risk.
Non-Penetration Diving
Non-penetration diving, also known as external diving, involves swimming around and observing the wreck from the outside. This is the least hazardous form of wreck diving, ideal for beginners and divers with basic certifications.
Limited Penetration Diving
Limited penetration diving involves venturing into the “light zone” of a wreck. This refers to parts of the wreck that are illuminated by natural light filtering in from outside. This type of diving presents a greater challenge and risk due to the overhead environment and the close proximity to the wreck’s structure.
Full Penetration Diving
Full penetration diving is the most challenging and risky form of wreck diving. It involves venturing beyond the “light zone” into the darker, more confined areas of the wreck. This type of diving is typically reserved for highly experienced, technical divers with specialized training and equipment.

Dangers and Safety Measures in Wreck Diving
As with all forms of diving, safety should always be the top priority in wreck diving. Understanding the potential dangers and taking appropriate measures to mitigate these risks is crucial6.
Potential Dangers
1. Getting Trapped: Wrecks can be unstable and present a risk of collapse or shifting debris that can trap divers.
2. Injury: Sharp edges, loose cables, and other hazardous elements can cause injuries. The risk of decompression sickness, a common diving-related condition, also increases with the depth and duration of the dive.
3. Entanglement: Fishing lines, nets, and other debris can pose entanglement hazards.
4. Getting Lost: The complex structure of wrecks, especially when combined with low visibility conditions, can result in divers getting lost.
5. Reduced Visibility: Disturbance of silt or sediment inside a wreck can drastically reduce visibility, further increasing the risk of disorientation and entrapment.
6. Air Supply Issues: The increased air consumption due to the physical exertion and stress associated with wreck diving can lead to a faster depletion of the air supply, posing a serious risk if not properly managed.

Safety Measures
1. Proper Training: Divers should have the appropriate training and certification for the type of wreck diving they plan to undertake. This includes training in advanced buoyancy control, navigation, and emergency procedures.
2. Planning and Preparation: Every wreck dive should be meticulously planned, taking into account the conditions of the wreck, the diver’s skills and experience, and the potential risks.
3. Equipment: Divers should be equipped with the necessary safety equipment, including a reliable light source, a dive knife or cutting tool, a line and reel for navigation, and redundant air supplies.
4. Communication: Effective communication with the dive buddy and the surface team is crucial for ensuring safety during a wreck dive.

Importance of Wreck Dive Training

Being able to explore a shipwreck is a significant draw for scuba diving. However, an Open Water certified diver cannot just dive into a wreck site, no matter how shallow. Specialized wreck dive training is an essential part of your continuing scuba education if you wish to see inside shipwrecks.

Depth is not the only consideration when it comes to dive safety. Even a shallow wreck within recreational depths still contains potential hazards that an inexperienced diver may be unaware of. Scanning and swimming along the exterior of a sunken vessel is one thing, penetrating the interior is something that requires advanced training.


Wreck Diving in Hurghada: A Unique Experience
For those interested in wreck diving, the coastal city of Hurghada in Egypt offers a unique diving experience. With its clear waters and a variety of wrecks, it’s a popular destination for both novice and experienced divers.
Notably, the El Mina wreck, a minesweeper warship sunk by an Israeli bomb, is a popular dive site in Hurghada. The wreckage can be explored in peace, providing a haunting reminder of the war between Egypt and Israel. Alongside it lies another commercial wreck that sank a while ago, adding to the intrigue. Wreck diving in Hurghada allows divers to combine the excitement of exploring historical relics with the beauty of vibrant marine life that inhabits these artificial reefs. It’s an adventure not to be missed for those diving in Hurghada.